Bible Study Message on 01.08.2020
- Don’t make major decisions in a temporary downpour because storms are always moving!!!
- Stop being shocked when life gets tough. You’re not the only person going through a storm!
- Storms affect the just as well as the unjust!!
- God will not allow you to face what you aren’t able to overcome!
- Storms come to expose the strength of your foundation.
- Your structure is more important than your storm!
- Instead of focusing on your storm, pay attention to the strength of your foundation!
- You are never remembered for what you avoided in life. You are remembered for what you have survived!!
- Never trust someone who hasn’t been through anything! If you’ve never had any problems, you won’t have a reputation!
- Everyone can brag, but few can testify!
- Initiate your OWN development. Put a demand on your potential!!!
- Quit trying to be spiritual and start skilling your gift!